Syntax of SP3 File Header Comment Lines

To track the calibration information applied by each Analysis Center in the production of their satellite orbit and clock solutions, Gerd Gendt has proposed a special encoding using one of the header comment lines available in the SP3 format. Please refer to IGS Mail 5490 (22 Nov. 2006). The syntax is:

/* PCV:IGS05_1400 OL/AL:FES2004  NONE     YN ORB:CoN CLK:CoN

   - format: ('/* PCV:',a10,' OL/AL:',2(a8,1x),2a1,' ORB:',a3,' CLK:',a3)
   - Models applied during estimation of satellite orbits & clocsk
        - PCV  : Antenna calibration model used 
        - OL/AL: Ocean & atmosphere tidal loading models plus CMC flags:
                    OL_MODEL AL_MODEL FF               
             - OL_MODEL: Ocean tide loading model  or  COMBI or NONE
                    COMBI is given if not all AC submissions have used the same
             - AL_MODEL: Atm tidal loading model  
                    (e.g. S1S2, or NONE ) -- NOTE: NOT CURRENTLY USED
             - FF  : two flags to report if CMC is included in the model (Y or N)

   - Corrections applied during generation of SP3 crust-fixed orbits
        - ORB: CoN if CMC are corrected for applied loading models
               CoM otherwise
        - CLK: CoM or CoN or CMB or N/A;
               CoN if staco are fixed to ITRF during CLK adjustment
               CMB (for Combi) is given if not all AC submissions have used the
Examples from AC Final SP3 files for week 1459:

/* PCV:IGS05_1455 OL/AL:FES2004  NONE     YN ORB:CoN CLK:CoN
/* PCV:IGS05_1402 OL/AL:FES2004  NONE     YN ORB:CoN CLK:CoN
/* PCV:IGS05_1451 OL/AL:FES2004  NONE     YN ORB:CoN CLK:CoN
/* PCV:IGS05_1455 OL/AL:FES2004  NONE     YN CLK:CoN ORB:CoN
/* PCV:IGS05_1451 OL/AL:FES2002  NONE     NN ORB:CoN CLK:CoN
/* PCV:IGS05      OL/ALL:FES2004    Y NONE         YN ORB:CoN CLK:CoN
/* PCV:IGS05_1455 OL/AL:FES2004  NONE     Y  CLK:N/A ORB:CoN
/* PCV:IGS05      OL/ALL:FES2004    Y NONE         YN ORB:CoN CLK:CoN

IGS combination:
/* PCV:IGS05_1455 OL/AL:FES2004  NONE     Y  ORB:CMB CLK:CMB



21 January 2008, originator J. Ray