subroutine gpt2 (dmjd,dlat,dlon,hell,nstat,it,p,T,dT,e,ah,aw,undu) c% This subroutine determines pressure, temperature, temperature lapse rate, c% water vapour pressure, hydrostatic and wet mapping function coefficients c% ah and aw, and geoid undulation for specific sites near the Earth c% surface. It is based on a 5 x 5 degree external grid file ('gpt2_5.grd') c% with mean values as well as sine and cosine amplitudes for the annual and c% semiannual variation of the coefficients. c c% input parameters: c% c% dmjd: modified Julian date (scalar, only one epoch per call is possible) c% dlat: ellipsoidal latitude in radians [-pi/2:+pi/2] (vector) c% dlon: longitude in radians [-pi:pi] or [0:2pi] (vector) c% hell: ellipsoidal height in m (vector) c% nstat: number of stations in dlat, dlon, and hell c% maximum possible: not relevant for Matlab version C% it: case 1: no time variation but static quantities C% case 0: with time variation (annual and semiannual terms) c% c% output parameters: c% c% p: pressure in hPa (vector of length nstat) c% T: temperature in degrees Celsius (vector of length nstat) c% dT: temperature lapse rate in degrees per km (vector of length nstat) c% e: water vapour pressure in hPa (vector of length nstat) c% ah: hydrostatic mapping function coefficient at zero height (VMF1) c% (vector of length nstat) c% aw: wet mapping function coefficient (VMF1) (vector of length nstat) c% undu: geoid undulation in m (vector of length nstat) c% c% The hydrostatic mapping function coefficients have to be used with the c% height dependent Vienna Mapping Function 1 (vmf_ht.f) because the c% coefficients refer to zero height. c% c% Example 1 (Vienna, 2 August 2012, with time variation): c% c% dmjd = 56141.d0 c% dlat(1) = 48.20d0*pi/180.d0 c% dlon(1) = 16.37d0*pi/180.d0 c% hell(1) = 156.d0 c% nstat = 1 c% it = 0 c% c% output: c% p = 1002.56 hPa c% T = 22.12 deg Celsius c% dT = -6.53 deg / km c% e = 15.63 hPa c% ah = 0.0012647 c% aw = 0.0005726 c% undu = 44.06 m c% c% Example 2 (Vienna, 2 August 2012, without time variation, i.e. constant values): c% c% dmjd = 56141.d0 c% dlat(1) = 48.20d0*pi/180.d0 c% dlon(1) = 16.37d0*pi/180.d0 c% hell(1) = 156.d0 c% nstat = 1 c% it = 1 c% c% output: c% p = 1003.49 hPa c% T = 11.95 deg Celsius c% dT = -5.47 deg / km c% e = 9.58 hPa c% ah = 0.0012395 c% aw = 0.0005560 c% undu = 44.06 m c% c% Klemens Lagler, 2 August 2012 c% Johannes Boehm, 6 August 2012, revision c% Klemens Lagler, 21 August 2012, epoch change to January 1 2000 c% Johannes Boehm, 23 August 2012, adding possibility to determine constant field c% --- implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension vec(34) dimension dlat(64800),dlon(64800),hell(64800) dimension dT(64800),T(64800),p(64800),e(64800), . ah(64800),aw(64800),undu(64800) dimension pgrid(2592,5),Tgrid(2592,5),Qgrid(2592,5),dTgrid(2592,5) . ,u(2592),Hs(2592),ahgrid(2592,5),awgrid(2592,5) dimension undul(4),Ql(4),dTl(4),Tl(4),pl(4),ahl(4),awl(4) dimension indx(4) character line*80 c% mean gravity in m/s**2 gm = 9.80665d0 c% molar mass of dry air in kg/mol dMtr = 28.965d-3; c% universal gas constant in J/K/mol Rg = 8.3143d0 pi = 3.1415926535d0 c% change the reference epoch to January 1 2000 dmjd = dmjd-51544.5; c% factors for amplitudes if (it.eq.1) then ! constant parameters cosfy = 0.d0 coshy = 0.d0 sinfy = 0.d0 sinhy = 0.d0 else cosfy = dcos(dmjd/365.25*2*pi) coshy = dcos(dmjd/365.25*4*pi) sinfy = dsin(dmjd/365.25*2*pi) sinhy = dsin(dmjd/365.25*4*pi) end if c% read gridfile open(11,file='gpt2_5.grd') c% read first comment line read (11,'(a80)') line c% loop over grid points do n = 1,2592 !% read data line read (11,*) vec pgrid(n,1:5) = vec(3:7) !% pressure in Pascal Tgrid(n,1:5) = vec (8:12) !% temperature in Kelvin Qgrid(n,1:5) = vec(13:17)/1000.d0 !% specific humidity in kg/kg dTgrid(n,1:5) = vec(18:22)/1000.d0 !% temperature lapse rate in Kelvin/m u(n) = vec(23) !% geoid undulation in m Hs(n) = vec(24) !% orthometric grid height in m ahgrid(n,1:5) = vec(25:29)/1000.d0 !% hydrostatic mapping function coefficient, dimensionless awgrid(n,1:5) = vec(30:34)/1000.d0 !% wet mapping function coefficient, dimensionless end do close (11) c% loop over stations do k = 1,nstat !% only positive longitude in degrees if (dlon(k).lt.0.d0) then plon = (dlon(k) + 2.d0*pi)*180.d0/pi else plon = dlon(k)*180.d0/pi end if !% transform to polar distance in degrees ppod = (-dlat(k) + pi/2.d0)*180.d0/pi !% find the index (line in the grid file) of the nearest point ipod = floor((ppod+5.d0)/5.d0) ilon = floor((plon+5.d0)/5.d0) !% normalized (to one) differences, can be positive or negative diffpod = (ppod - (ipod*5.d0 - 2.5d0))/5.d0 difflon = (plon - (ilon*5.d0 - 2.5d0))/5.d0 !% get the number of the corresponding line indx(1) = (ipod - 1)*72 + ilon !% near the poles: nearest neighbour interpolation, otherwise: bilinear ibilinear = 0 if (( then ibilinear = 1 end if !% case of nearest neighbourhood if (ibilinear.eq.0) then ix = indx(1) !% transforming ellipsoidial height to orthometric height undu(k) = u(ix) hgt = hell(k)-undu(k) !% pressure, temperature at the heigtht of the grid T0 = Tgrid(ix,1) + . Tgrid(ix,2)*cosfy + Tgrid(ix,3)*sinfy + . Tgrid(ix,4)*coshy + Tgrid(ix,5)*sinhy p0 = pgrid(ix,1) + . pgrid(ix,2)*cosfy + pgrid(ix,3)*sinfy + . pgrid(ix,4)*coshy + pgrid(ix,5)*sinhy !% specific humidity Q = Qgrid(ix,1) + . Qgrid(ix,2)*cosfy + Qgrid(ix,3)*sinfy + . Qgrid(ix,4)*coshy + Qgrid(ix,5)*sinhy !% lapse rate of the temperature dT(k) = dTgrid(ix,1) + . dTgrid(ix,2)*cosfy + dTgrid(ix,3)*sinfy + . dTgrid(ix,4)*coshy + dTgrid(ix,5)*sinhy !% station height - grid height redh = hgt - Hs(ix) !% temperature at station height in Celsius T(k) = T0 + dT(k)*redh - 273.15d0 !% temperature lapse rate in degrees / km dT(k) = dT(k)*1000.d0 !% virtual temperature in Kelvin Tv = T0*(1.d0 + 0.6077d0*Q) c = gm*dMtr/(Rg*Tv) !% pressure in hPa p(k) = (p0*exp(-c*redh))/100.d0 !% water vapour pressure in hPa e(k) = (Q*p(k))/(0.622d0 + 0.378d0*Q); !% hydrostatic coefficient ah ah(k) = ahgrid(ix,1) + . ahgrid(ix,2)*cosfy + ahgrid(ix,3)*sinfy + . ahgrid(ix,4)*coshy + ahgrid(ix,5)*sinhy !% wet coefficient aw aw(k) = awgrid(ix,1) + . awgrid(ix,2)*cosfy + awgrid(ix,3)*sinfy + . awgrid(ix,4)*coshy + awgrid(ix,5)*sinhy else !% bilinear interpolation ipod1 = ipod + int(sign(1.d0,diffpod)) ilon1 = ilon + int(sign(1.d0,difflon)) if (ilon1.eq.73) then ilon1 = 1 end if if (ilon1.eq.0) then ilon1 = 72 end if !% get the number of the line indx(2) = (ipod1 - 1)*72 + ilon !% along same longitude indx(3) = (ipod - 1)*72 + ilon1 !% along same polar distance indx(4) = (ipod1 - 1)*72 + ilon1 !% diagonal do l = 1,4 !% transforming ellipsoidial height to orthometric height: !% Hortho = -N + Hell undul(l) = u(indx(l)); hgt = hell(k)-undul(l); !% pressure, temperature at the heigtht of the grid T0 = Tgrid(indx(l),1) + . Tgrid(indx(l),2)*cosfy + Tgrid(indx(l),3)*sinfy + . Tgrid(indx(l),4)*coshy + Tgrid(indx(l),5)*sinhy; p0 = pgrid(indx(l),1) + . pgrid(indx(l),2)*cosfy + pgrid(indx(l),3)*sinfy + . pgrid(indx(l),4)*coshy + pgrid(indx(l),5)*sinhy !% humidity Ql(l) = Qgrid(indx(l),1) + . Qgrid(indx(l),2)*cosfy + Qgrid(indx(l),3)*sinfy + . Qgrid(indx(l),4)*coshy + Qgrid(indx(l),5)*sinhy !% reduction = stationheight - gridheight Hs1 = Hs(indx(l)) redh = hgt - Hs1 !% lapse rate of the temperature in degree / m dTl(l) = dTgrid(indx(l),1) + . dTgrid(indx(l),2)*cosfy + dTgrid(indx(l),3)*sinfy + . dTgrid(indx(l),4)*coshy + dTgrid(indx(l),5)*sinhy !% temperature reduction to station height Tl(l) = T0 + dTl(l)*redh - 273.15d0 !% virtual temperature Tv = T0*(1.d0+0.6077d0*Ql(l)) c = gm*dMtr/(Rg*Tv) !% pressure in hPa pl(l) = (p0*exp(-c*redh))/100.d0 !% hydrostatic coefficient ah ahl(l) = ahgrid(indx(l),1) + . ahgrid(indx(l),2)*cosfy + ahgrid(indx(l),3)*sinfy + . ahgrid(indx(l),4)*coshy + ahgrid(indx(l),5)*sinhy !% wet coefficient aw awl(l) = awgrid(indx(l),1) + . awgrid(indx(l),2)*cosfy + awgrid(indx(l),3)*sinfy + . awgrid(indx(l),4)*coshy + awgrid(indx(l),5)*sinhy end do dnpod1 = abs(diffpod) !% distance nearer point dnpod2 = 1.d0 - dnpod1 !% distance to distant point dnlon1 = abs(difflon) dnlon2 = 1.d0 - dnlon1 !% pressure R1 = dnpod2*pl(1)+dnpod1*pl(2) R2 = dnpod2*pl(3)+dnpod1*pl(4) p(k) = dnlon2*R1+dnlon1*R2 !% temperature R1 = dnpod2*Tl(1)+dnpod1*Tl(2) R2 = dnpod2*Tl(3)+dnpod1*Tl(4) T(k) = dnlon2*R1+dnlon1*R2 !% temperature in degree per km R1 = dnpod2*dTl(1)+dnpod1*dTl(2) R2 = dnpod2*dTl(3)+dnpod1*dTl(4) dT(k) = (dnlon2*R1+dnlon1*R2)*1000.d0 !% humidity R1 = dnpod2*Ql(1)+dnpod1*Ql(2) R2 = dnpod2*Ql(3)+dnpod1*Ql(4) Q = dnlon2*R1+dnlon1*R2 e(k) = (Q*p(k))/(0.622d0+0.378d0*Q) !% hydrostatic R1 = dnpod2*ahl(1)+dnpod1*ahl(2) R2 = dnpod2*ahl(3)+dnpod1*ahl(4) ah(k) = dnlon2*R1+dnlon1*R2 !% wet R1 = dnpod2*awl(1)+dnpod1*awl(2) R2 = dnpod2*awl(3)+dnpod1*awl(4) aw(k) = dnlon2*R1+dnlon1*R2 !% undulation R1 = dnpod2*undul(1)+dnpod1*undul(2) R2 = dnpod2*undul(3)+dnpod1*undul(4) undu(k) = dnlon2*R1+dnlon1*R2 end if end do end subroutine