RINEX Conversion Software
RX3name by Nacho Romero
GFZRNX :: See [IGSMAIL-7052] for details (from GFZ IGS Analysis Team, email: nisn at
- In order to support and promote the IGS MGEX RINEX-3 transition GFZ IGS AC team kindly provided the tool
"gfzrnx" for formal RINEX-2/3 file handling, which combines basic file-based features of our internal RINEX tools.
- The following RINEX data types are supported:
* Observation data,
* Navigation data,
* Meteorological data.
- The following operations/tasks are supported:
* RINEX file check and repair (format),
* RINEX file format conversion ( version 3 to 2 and reverse ),
* RINEX file splice,
* RINEX file split,
* RINEX file observation statistics generation,
* RINEX file manipulations like:
- data sampling,
- observation types selection,
- satellite systems selection,
- elimination of overall empty or sparse observation types.
* Automatic RINEX-2 and RINEX-3 file naming of output file(s).
- The following operating systems are currently supported:
* Linux 64
* SunOS (i86)
* MacOSX
* Windows 64
You can find the corresponding executable(s) and a manual using the following web link: [ Download -> GFZ Software -> gfzrnx ]
cnvrnx3-rnx2-v3.f (from Oscar L. Colombo, GESTAR-USRA/NASA GSFC)
- This program converts Rinex 3 files with mixed GPS and GLONASS data into Rinex 2 files with GPS only, or GPS+GLONASS data
(other GNSS' data that might be in it is ignored).
- The user chooses GPS only or GPS+GLONASS by entering the appropriate value of an argument in the program's command line.
- In version (3.1.4, Jan. 2015) some minor bugs have been fixed and minor changes made to improve its functioning. The combined name of
the Rinex 3 file to be converted preceded (when necessary) by its path, can be up to 100 characters long. The translated Rinex 2
version is always created in the same working directory where this program is executed.
- This program is written in Fortran, and can be compiled with the GNU's Gfortran, or with the old G77 (still around in many
Linux machines), and also with any incarnation, past and present, of (the nowadays named) "Intel Fortran" for Windows, Linux,
or Macs.
- There are a number of running options, and the explanation at the beginning of the source code is probably
enough to give a good idea of how to use it, and what one can get out of it. Also, by entering in the command line
the name of the program without any arguments, one gets a listing on the screen that explains much the same things
as the lines at the beginning of the source.
- Depending on the compiler used, some lines in the code might have to be commented or uncommented. Those are
the lines calling the subroutine that reads the arguments from the command line, and they are clearly marked in the
code, so it is hard to miss them. These lines appear near de top of the executable code.
- April 2014 update to version 3 includes fixes for minor problems encountered with RINEX 3.
Latest released set of pre-compiled builds of BKG Ntrip Client (BNC)
- Version 2.11.0 includes a bug fix for GLONASS code biases as well as RTCM SSR message updates for PPP.
The maximum number of GNSS observations has been increased and the loss of lock handling modified.
BNC now supports raw stream output through TCP/IP port.
- Set Edit Options for BNC - mandatory if 'Edit/Concatenate' is set on
- Once the 'Edit/Concatenate' action is selected, you have to 'Set Edit Options'. BNC lets you specify the RINEX
version, sampling interval, begin and end of file, operator, comment lines, and marker, antenna, receiver details.
Note that sampling, begin/end and marker/antenna/receiver specification are only meaningful for RINEX Observation
- When converting RINEX Version 2 to RINEX Version 3 Observation files, the tracking mode or channel
information in the (last character out of the three characters) observation code is left blank if unknown.
- When converting RINEX Version 3 to RINEX Version 2 Observation files:
- Optionally you may specify a comment line text to be added to the emerging new RINEX file header. Any introduction
of a newline through '\n' in this enforces the beginning of a further comment line. Comment line(s) will be added
to the header immediately after the 'PGM / RUN BY / DATE' record. Default is an empty option field, meaning that
no additional comment line will be added to the RINEX header.
- Specifying a 'RUN BY' string to be included in the emerging new RINEX file header is another option. Default is an
empty option field meaning the operator's ID is automatically used as 'RUN BY' string.
- If you specify a 'New' but no 'Old' marker/antenna/receiver name, the corresponding data field in the emerging new
RINEX Observation file will be filled accordingly. If you in addition specify an 'Old' marker/antenna/receiver name,
the corresponding data field in the emerging new RINEX Observation file will only be filled accordingly where 'Old'
specifications match existing file contents.
- BNC v2.9 help manual
- Download latest BNC builds
- Source codes via Subversion (BNC_2.11.0)